Educational Psychology
In order to master an art, one has to first master the theory and then one can master the practice.
E. Fromm


Educational Psychology is the scientific study of learning and teaching with the goal of improving educational practice. Educational psychology integrates findings from the following areas of psychological research:

  • Learning, including cognitive and constructivist theories of learning.
  • Motivation, such as the differences between extrinsic and intrinsic motivation as well as the relationship between setting goals and achievement.
  • Cognitive Abilities, such as the hierarchical theory of intelligence.
  • Development, including cognitive development as well as social and emotional development.

Educational psychology also examines the effectiveness of teaching practices such as the following.

  • Teaching strategies that result in beneficial educational outcomes such as academic achievement and intrinsic motivation.
  • Fostering effective teacher-student relationships.
  • Strategies of teaching self-regulation skills so students can monitor their own learning process.
  • The effect of teachers' beliefs on their teaching practices.

Katrina A. Korb, PhD
Department of Educational Foundations
Faculty of Education
University of Jos
Jos, Plateau State